Evaluna: dear~~~ 做道选择题吧, 你怎么想? ~~
清早起来, Evaluna 的问题已在我的邮箱里了! http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=200704&postID=3694 Take a minute to choose, which one speaks your voice for coincidences and fate: 1. Coincidences are the scars of fate; 2. There are no coincidences; we are just puppets of our subconscious desires. 趁迷糊将她的问题转发给了一些朋友, 现在我已有了好多的答案!:) 尔尔问我:What did you give? What does the answer imply? Very curious.~~ 谢各位朋友的回复! jennytomato: 这两个答案都有点灰色,我可能都不会选。不论是巧合还是命运我都欣然接受,我也不和潜意识的欲望做强烈抵抗,我希望它能合理指引我,当然,有时候这是奢求。 香草仙子: I would like to choose 1. perfumelily: 我选 1 吧:Coincidences are the scars of fate! rayray: 问题有点深奥。非要二选一的话,我倾向于一。 蓝色向日葵: I can't tell which one is my answer bucause I get confused all the time about fortune, about life, and about love. If I must pick one, I will pick up #2. I read an article about Frued's Ido, Ego, and Superego last year, and I believe sometimes there is a coincidence, but most time it is all up to you, your inside. If you are strong enough, you can always fight it back. Well, don't believe fortune, beleive yourself. 尔尔: If I HAVE to choose, I would choose one. I believe in fate, karma, and coincidences. They are not always distinguishable from each other. DUMARTINI: 旁白今天问我这问题...刚好是一整天里挥之不去的念头!今天我绝对是宿命论者,我觉得每个人的命运好似冥冥中早已刻在天空...来看看这段最后的信,关于弟弟的病..他多么聪明才智好胜,努力了却没斗得过命运的安排...好冷,好难过. http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=200704&postID=3433 ATraveler: :-) can I choose 1.5? don't really agree with either, but if I have to pick 1, that would be #1 老土他炕上的: Coincidences are the scars of fate 冬梦: haha, a hard one! If you look back, 1 seems is the case. If you look forward, then 2 will be the case. I have an older mind and I will choose 1 then. jasonyzh : 在我看来,一切的巧合或者机缘,都是由个体决定的。 我不知道这是不是你要的答案,呵呵 azerty_07: Ah, both play some roles, I'm afraid :) Coincidences provide occasions, opportunities, Our "subconscious desires" will decide what to do at the occasions. ice3 : No. 2 maybe :)) Outlier : if I have to make a choice, it seems that I have to choose 2. However, I only agree to the first half of 2 and I have no idea how the two parts in 2 have any necessary connection. I can give one possible interpretation though that it is saying that we can see coincidences if we subconciously want to see them. In that sense, I would tend to agree. I actually wrote a short article before on "conincidence" and I expressed that I do not believe there is such a thing as "coincidence". Of course, my argument lies in my belief that there is a universal rule in the universe that governs everything. It is just too complex for anyone to understand it. 心远地自偏: 这个问题好像很难回答,我的第一反应会选1,但是受的这么多年的教育又让我犹豫,觉得2才是更合理些的?去看了看Eva的原文和大家的留言,好像1派比较多,也许爱写博客的人思想和精神也都相同吧 … cw : How profound the question is! On one hand, it may take one’s whole life to find out the real answer that suits himself. On the other hand, mathematics may help us find an instant answer. According to the chaos theory, the apparently random universe is actually a highly order system, including our life. There is no coincidence in one’s life. Life plants the seed in us early on, and then everything follows, including all of our attempts of defying a seemly prescribed fate. As soon as the trajectory of our life is defined by early events in our life, nothing we run into later is a pure coincidence. From this point of view, choice 1 is a natural choice. On the other hand, choice 2 actually goes into one facet of us to mirror choice 1: our desires, consciously or unconsciously, are also rooted at our early days and evolve with our life, as part of the fate. From this point of view, choice 2 can also be a valid choice. So choices 1 and 2 are just statements of the same truth at different levels of understanding Below is a short paragraph about Chaos theory from Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_theory) “In mathematics and physics, chaos theory describes the behavior of certain nonlinear dynamical systems that under certain conditions exhibit dynamics that are sensitive to initial conditions (popularly referred to as the butterfly effect). As a result of this sensitivity, the behavior of chaotic systems appears to be random, because of an exponential growth of errors in the initial conditions. This happens even though these systems are deterministic in the sense that their future dynamics are well defined by their initial conditions, and there are no random elements involved. This behavior is known as deterministic chaos, or simply chaos.” 欢迎路过此地的朋友回答这个问题! |
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