罢了 发表: 2007-05-14 10:56:32
女儿小学三年级时画过三幅画,它们分别是《春》、《秋》、《冬》,在这三幅画下面女儿配上了三首诗,虽然有些稚嫩,但通过孩子的眼睛来看世界倒也别有一番风味。第二首写秋天的好象有些马虎。 |
春天 |
《My Spring Eyes See....》 |
Butterflies and bees drinking the sweet nectar in the center of red tulips |
The early morning's dew kissing the fresh grass |
Happy children looking for colorful Easter eggs hidden away everywhere |
Beautiful lilacs resting beside ponds and lakes ── |
drinking raindrops and the sunshine steadily |
Energetic children looking forward to baseball games |
White cherry blossoms flaking to the ground |
Yellow pollen flowing in the light breeze |
People sneezing with allergies ── achoo!──achoo! |
Cottonwood falling down glittering the ground white |
Strong tress blooming with healthy green leaves |
Baby animals seeing the world for the first time |
Dandelions sprinkled by sparkling clear raindrops |
Colorful kites flying besides the rainbow |
The warm sun dying the trees fresh green and yellow |
And chubby blood-red cherries gently hanging on the thick branches |
*************************************************************** |
秋天 |
《My Fall Eyes See...》 |
Colorful leaves blowing away Orange pumpkins being carved |
Black birds flying south in the sky so |
gray |
Yellow dandelious getting blown away in the wind |
Golden hills of grass growing |
Yellow, red, and orange leaves getting |
blown from tree to tree |
Orange hot apple cider getting cooked in |
the oven |
Beautiful bright colored leaves coming |
down |
*************************************************************** |
从构图,色彩到材料运用,,敏感充分地表达出对大自然的真切感受,又不失童趣 |
谢谢曾姑娘的夸奖。人都说孩子是自家的好,所以两个女儿在我眼里当然是很不错的,哈哈。。不管怎么样,应该说我还算是一个非常幸运的父亲吧。 |
谢谢Luna,秋 韵,风铃和沧海一笑朋友们的缪赞。其实我对女儿很放任,我从来没想过将来要送她们去一流的大学读书,尽管她们或许有这样的智力。当然,如果她们上进,而且 有这样的雄心,我一定会支持她们。人就只有这么一生,而且很短暂,短暂的让你感到,还没开始就结束了,所以,我真得不希望我的女儿们太辛苦。 |
老大写过几本英文小说,也设计过许多POKMAN动画(两百来个),都相当不错,但她很少拿出来示人,更不要说投稿了,她是一个将得失看得很轻,只享受过程的女孩子。在我们这个年龄有这样的悟性是一件幸事,她才十三岁,所以不是悟性,是天性。不知是幸耶,抑或不幸耶! |
罢了你好:在中国有一句流行话说:"生儿是名,生女是福".你生了两个女儿,那就福上加福.你现在都乐癫癫的,你的晚年不知道有多幸福.哈哈令人羡慕啊! |
我最喜欢第三副画,象白云在天上,象白雪在地上,非常美.祝贺你有那么能干的小画家. |
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