看美国大选: 改革艰难, Letterman体会最深
在《美语世界》总得来点英 语。中国把"改革"一般英译为"reform";这"reform"一词美国也用,但涉及的改动面比较小,如改写一些法律,修正某行业的管制条例等等。但 论及触动社会神经江山龙脉的改革,大多用"change"一词。这不,竞选总统是改朝换代争大位,Clinton的口号就是We are ready for change;而Obama的更响: We are the hope for change。
两 位同为民主党人,口号都是"改革",却还要争个黑白辩个雌雄。Clinton说她在现存的制度里摸爬滚打三十年,知道它坏在哪里,所以她最知道怎么改革现 在的制度、最有资格做总统;因此Clinton把她的改革叫做Change from within。而Obama是他代表华盛顿以外的新生力量,不受华盛顿现存制度的约束,所以,他称他的改革是Change from outside。许多人说Clinton的政治诚信度不够,但Obama这哥们在华盛顿做参议院已有三年整,他本人也已经是现有制度的既得利益者,却还在说标榜自己是outsider,是否也有点"黑口白牙"不足以信?
对改革每个人可能多少都有点自己的看法,不足为怪。Clinton在超级星期二前夜还特意上了美国著名电视人David Letterman's的late-night show,大谈她的改革理念。
Letterman是美国家喻户晓的笑星,Bill Clinton九二年竞选时也上过Letterman的节目,当时Bill带上墨镜吹起萨克斯管,风光无限迷倒众生。现在Hillary Clinton来了Letterman就逮着问(一定要问的),如果Hillary你当上第一位女总统,那你把你那曾经当过总统的老公放哪儿? 如果他要摆起前总统架子指手划脚你又该怎么治他? Hillary的回答毫不含糊: In my White House, we will know who wears the pantsuits -- 在我的白宫,我们会很清楚谁穿裤子。美国成语"Who wears pants in the family?"指的就是"谁是家中当家作主的"。你看Hillary这语言技巧: 裤子pants男女通用,而pantsuits则是女人衣裤,男人穿不得。言外之意就是,我都女总统了,当然是我当家。用裤子一词可能还有第二层意思,我 们不能忘了Bill当家时跟实习生莱小姐随便脱裤子那事,现在我当家了,谁都得穿裤子。Hillary特有的智慧与幽默真是非同一般。
欢 声笑语过后,Hillary时刻不忘兜售她的改革理念,对Letterman语重心长地说道,她的08选战一路走来十分不易,深深感到Making change is hard。Letterman居然也动了感情,感同身受地回答: "Making change is more than a little hard, it's virtually impossible" -- because Letterman worked a cash register in high school.
英语的奇妙让人感叹。改革是严肃的社会话题,而找零钱是商店生意的日常琐事,making change就这样把风马牛不相及的两件事搅在一起。话语机智的女政治家和巧舌如簧的喜剧家对谈change,也许正是人们对待改革应该持有的态度 -- 凡事都要平常心嘛。
Clinton家阴盛阳衰,Hillary智斗Bill,也是有"诗"为证 (这是九二年Bill胜选后发生的事):
President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary are driving in the country near Hillary's hometown. They are low on fuel, so Bill stops at a gas station.
The man working at the gas station comes out and looks into the window.
"Hey, Hillary! We used to date in high school, do you remember me?" he asks.
They talk merrily for a few minutes. Bill pays, and they leave. As they drive, Bill is feeling very proud of himself being President-elect and looks over at Hillary.
"You used to date that guy? Just think what life would be if you hadn't married me," he says.
Hillary looks at Bill and says to him,"Well, I guess you'd be pumping gas and he'd be President-elect."
没有Hillary,Bill能当上总统吗? |
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尹文 评论于:2008-02-11 15:42:25 [回复评论] |
| 回复dawnw的评论:
In principle, I am and seriously so. But, I am not a diehard one who would unconditionally support any candidate wearing a Republican hat.
Thanks for your comments. |
| ``The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness''
Given you are citing this, are you serious you are a republican? :-). I like your article very much!, Thanks for the writing
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尹文 评论于:2008-02-09 11:39:43 [回复评论] | | 回复罢了的评论:
老罢真乃"神仙人放屁--不同凡响"! 这天上地下的旁证博引,我们患早老性痴呆症的不容易跟得上,只能跟在后面边吃扬尘边喊"精彩"!
说的好! 不相信政治和政治家,并非就是cynicism(从理论定义上讲,cynicism也无可指责,它的要意无非就是人类行为受约于私利--这正是经济学的立 论基点)。但有人类的地方就会有政治,好在政治不是宗教,建立政治制度的基石不是诚信,而是各players之间的相互制约。这就是民主的基本要点。政治 是关于人的,这观念源于希腊,成于罗马,political/politics和democratic/democracy在语义上是同义,所以说政治讲 究的是各群体在制度中的代表性,然后让各群体有组织地去不信任其他群体,实施相互监督制约 -- 就是发动群众斗群众。也就是说,在政治竞争中,扒对方的皮掀人家屁帘戳破竞争者言行不一的谎话是一种政治责任,因此,民主制度也是肮脏丑陋的。但谁也没说 民主制度就应该是完善的,只是与其他政体相比,它正是"烂柿子堆里烂得少一点"的那个,既然不能没有政治,那用"民主"要寥胜与其他。
原始的民主,因各群体之间的社会资源多寡不一,力量悬殊,残酷甚至杀戮在所难免,力大者为王,弱势群体遭殃。但随着各群体加大投入营造自身的战斗力量 (violent power),各群体的社会肌肉逐渐趋同,变得势均力敌,分不出胜负。从此,力大为王就变得不再是社会资源的分配法则,而利益交换逐步成为"文明政治"经 营之道,残酷和杀戮也会被"人性"所替代。但这过程漫长,在其中,各类文明与非文明现象共存。
哈,周末随便议论政治真是吃饱了撑的,不过说起John Kenneth Galbraith,他的金光闪闪的语录还有很多,比如:
1。Humility is not always compatible with truth。 2。The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness 3。Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in large groups。 4。Under capitalism man exploits man. Under Communism, it is just the reverse。 5。What is the difference between capitalism and socialism? Capitalism makes social errors. Socialism makes capital errors.
但是,John Kenneth Galbraith骨子里是经济学家,是我那一亩三分地里的人物,现在你把老Galbraith虏将过去,这算怎么回子事情? 所以,我列这五条光辉语录,不仅仅是为卖弄,更是抗议。总不至于我爱一个你就抢走我一个罢? | |
尹文 评论于:2008-02-09 09:38:54 [回复评论] | | 回复littlebirds的评论:
你的留言基本对头,但你说"民主党的经济刺激方案治标不治本,只会让问题更严重",这是否隐含着共和党或是别的什么党的经济刺激方案治标又治本,定会让问题变得不严重? 也许小鸟是没时间,有功夫可以把你的想法更深层地elaborate,贴出来切磋。
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| 美国的问题是政府赤字太多,民主党的经济刺激方案治标不治本,只会让问题更严重。 | |
尹文 评论于:2008-02-07 19:37:50 [回复评论] | | 回复noso的评论: cool comments. thanks bunch. | |
罢了 评论于:2008-02-07 16:19:09 [回复评论] | | 前两天我问我的一个美国白人同事:“你相信那些总统候选人的许诺吗?” 美国同事回答:“不相信.” 我又问:“既然你不相信,为什么还要参与选举?” 同事回答:“Regardless, you will get one of the evils, if you are not happy of any of the choices, pick the lesser of the two evils.”
同事的回答和John Kenneth Galbraith说的很合拍。John Kenneth Galbraith说,“John Kenneth Galbraith说,“ Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable.”
我也从来不相信政客们口中的许诺,我想就连他们自己都未必相信他们所说的。Charles De Gaulle说的好:“Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word. ” Maureen Murphy 也说:“Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. ” 我想,我这位同事的观点表达了大部分选民的心态,我们也就是在烂柿子堆里尽量挑一个烂得少一点的而已。
说到艰难,Jay Leno 说:“If God had wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates. ”相必感到艰难的不仅仅是Letterman,就连上帝也觉得这种事情很头痛呢!
在我眼里,政治是一种制造麻烦的艺术,一如Dalton Camp所说:“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy. ”
我之所以不喜欢选女Clinton当总统,除了在你上一篇文章跟帖中提到的那些理由外,还有另外一个为她着想的理由,that is:it will be too much trouble to put makeup on two faces. 哈哈哈。。。
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| haha, in his show, Letterman always jokes about Hillary wearing pantsuits never skirts, and Hillary joked him back, that's all. | |