星期四, 八月 30, 2007



廖康发表: 2007-07-13 01:20:10 人气:289




《马太受难》,严格地说,应译作《马太记述的基督受难》。这种作品现在通常叫作康塔塔,但巴赫时期的康塔塔,如名所示,只是清唱,几乎没有奏乐。这个作品 当代人可能感到宗教性质太重,殊不知,当年巴赫却是因为它的戏剧性太强,器乐用得太多,听上去似乎过于世俗、不够神圣而受到批评和忽视。他太超前了,作品 辉煌的价值长期被掩盖,直到首演百年后才被门德尔松认识到。门德尔松生前可比巴赫当年著名多了;他一言九鼎,又亲自组织演出,德国才没有与他们的音乐之父 失之交臂,巴赫才逐渐享有了世界名望,超过了门德尔松。

如果你看过电影《基督受难记》(The Passion of the Christ, 2004),你就知道《马太受难》表现的是什么了。巴赫的作品是用音乐和声乐来把基督教徒召唤到圣殿里,甚至把不信神的人也吸引进来。如果我们听不进其它 神圣的教导,但尚未失聪,还能够领略音乐,就能够感受到那霹雳般的和弦仿佛是隆隆的雷声、凄厉的风声、颤抖的树叶;就会想到那肃穆的和声是上帝威严不赦的 怒斥;就可能匍匐在他脚下,似乎空中的闪电即将把我们击倒,地狱的烈火即将吞噬我们的肉身;细弱游丝的灵魂在呻吟,不安地等待着最后的审判……然而,他来 了,似轻风,像雨露,如旭日,让这些无望的灵魂复苏,皈依,获救,再次得到上帝的慈爱。基督以其肉身为世人赎罪,这故事我们都知道,但巴赫的音乐,艺术家 们的演奏、演唱把这故事的真谛,无论你信教还是不信教,都送入你心灵,让你震撼,让你恐惧,让你感恩,让你平静。

当然,你也完全可以以世俗的心态来欣赏巴赫的《马太受难》,就像我们绝大多数人,包括我自己小时候阅读《西游记》一样。我根本不知道施耐庵是通过这部小说 形象地描述道教在中国自乱不堪,寻求佛来帮助维持秩序,中国人去西天取经,用佛教取代道教这样一个过程。但这也毫不影响我欣赏作者丰富的想象力和生动的描 写,即使后来明白小说的旨意了,也还是觉得其手法、其故事、其人物远远胜过其主题。第一次听《马太受难》,看着歌词,当然会感受到上面所说的震撼转平和, 但多听几次后,更欣赏的,越来越是巴赫的音乐本身。我是不可救药了,对美的反应强于善,如果真能把两者分开。

指挥似乎也是从世俗的角度来改进演出。虽然他德语口音很重,我还是听得懂他的每句话,但我没有听到一句宗教意味的教导。很难想象我们排练大型音乐舞蹈史诗 《东方红》时,指挥不讲红军过雪山草地的艰辛,不提毛泽东的英明伟大。但这位指挥要求的只是音乐效果:“女生合唱的声音太小了,站到前台来,放大嗓音唱! 男生喊词太软,不要唱,喊出来,韵律在你心里,喊吧!长笛,吹得柔和些,像微风习习地吹。这里咬字要干脆,要把德文的钢硬咬出来,喀哧,矻!你们这么黏 糊,今夜休想结束。”他说最后这句话,并不那么钢硬,大家笑起来,随即便钢硬了。

半场休息后,合唱团配合得好多了。独唱、重唱增多了,他们都是著名的歌唱家,很少需要反复,所以进展较快。男高音就那么两句歌词颠来倒去,却唱得如醉如 痴,充分表现出得救的喜悦;男低音深沉地、动情地向为众生献身的基督表达由衷的感激;他们都是一挥而就。女高音和女低音的二重唱被叫停过一次,好像是说圣 母的声音太宏大了。而当她独唱时,那浑厚的歌喉如泣如诉地唱出丧子的悲哀。个别乐器和最后表现复活的那段合唱反复了几次,不得要领。指挥要求他们一开始要 轻盈,“好像踩在梦上一样轻轻地走来,别惊醒他。”他们就成功了。

指挥是布鲁诺•维尔(Bruno Weil),他赢得过1998年“古典回声”奖,那是奖给本年度德国的最佳指挥。有他,演出能不成功吗?




巴赫也是我最喜爱的音乐家之一,他是一位伟大的宗教艺术家,他的音乐是一种赞颂上帝和谐的声音,他把赞颂上帝作为人类生活的中心内容。非常喜欢巴赫的《b 小调弥撒》,他那赞美诗般,充满生气,富有人情味的音乐,常常能使一颗浮躁的心平静下来,让人在音乐中体会造物主和大自然的神圣、静谧和伟大。歌德曾经对 他的音乐有过这样一段评论∶“(巴赫的音乐)就如永恒的和谐自身的对话,就如同上帝创造世界之前,在心中的流动,我好像没有了耳、更没有了眼、没有了其他 感官,而且我不需要用它们,内在自有一股律动,源源而出。”所以,每当我心情烦躁的时候,我常会听他的音乐,在音乐中找回失落的自我。




如果我们听不进其 它神圣的教导,但尚未失聪,还能够领略音乐,就能够感受到那霹雳般的和弦仿佛是隆隆的雷声、凄厉的风声、颤抖的树叶;就会想到那肃穆的和声是上帝威严不赦 的怒斥;就可能匍匐在他脚下,似乎空中的闪电即将把我们击倒,地狱的烈火即将吞噬我们的肉身;细弱游丝的灵魂在呻吟,不安地等待着最后的审判……然而,他 来了,似轻风,像雨露,如旭日,让这些无望的灵魂复苏,皈依,获救,再次得到上帝的慈爱。基督以其肉身为世人赎罪,这故事我们都知道,但巴赫的音乐,艺术 家们的演奏、演唱把这故事的真谛,无论你信教还是不信教,都送入你心灵,让你震撼,让你恐惧,让你感恩,让你平静。






I just got back. It's an evening to be remembered. Before the concert
began at 8:00, there was a reception, where champagne flew freely, pudding
was served, and a huge cake was cut while a brass band was playing
some light music. I saw the ex-chairman of the festival again and we
talked like old friends. He told me this is the most important
Bach festival in the states, what else do you expect the chairman to
say? at least as far as attracting first-rate musicians from all over
the world is concerned. They stay here for five weeks, other places
may not have the beauty to keep anyone that long:-) We are lucky to
have sponsors from Mercedes-Benz and Rolex---Carmel is the residence
of rich retirees who can afford such commodities. The trouble is the
attendees are mostly gray hairs. They need young blood!

While we were talking, I felt a middle-aged woman gazing at me.Then she approached; it's, oh gosh, I forgot her name, but she adopted a Chinese girl from an
orphanage of Mao's hometown, what an irony! I still remember her appearance
when she just came: thin, yellow, timid, some mucus marks under her nose. She
was two, a month younger than my son, but looked a year smaller. Very soon she
grew into a stout girl, no, a little princess! Her father, David, has a ranch,
which my son and I visited once. We were driving in it for an hour to get to
the center. They had hundreds of cows and ten horses. Their daughter has a special pony, and she not only rode it but she was teaching my son how to ride. David and his wife said, no, it was they who were lucky to have such a lovely daughter! She and David were both dressed up as I was, that was why I did not recognized her at first.

The concert started with Bach's cantata BWV 70, a screen on top of the stage
shows the verse clearly. The bass and alto were particularly good. The soprano
is a gray-haired woman but she sang like an angel, amazing! Then it's Bach's
concerto No. 4 for harpsichord in A Major, BWV 1055. To me the soloist sounded
too gentle, but I am really no judge. Maybe it should sound like that. What
followed surprised me: it's so modern, almost like Stravinsky. No it can't be
Bach. I took out the program and saw under the dim light Arvo Paart, collage
uuber B-A-C-H, no wonder!

After the intermission, we had orchestral suite No. 4 in D Major,BWV 1069 and
Cantata BWV 110. The duet between the soprano and tenor is divine.




Man, man, man! What a wonderful and classy evening you had! I have to say you make me jealous like hell! Music has always been a very important part of my life, thru all those marvelous masterpieces; I see that “…Which for memorial still with thee shall stay./When thou reviewest this,/ thou dost review./The very part was consecrate to thee: /The earth can have but earth,/which is his due;/ His (My) spirit is thine,/ the better part of him (me)/……Too base of thee to be remembered./ And that is this,/ and this with thee remains.” I guess that is also the eternal life of music.

When I am listening to the music, I found “there is still fire burning from the ash: I strove with none, for none was worth my strife. Nature I love and next to Nature Art. I warm my both hand before the fire of life. It sinks, and I am ready to depart.” My sole is ready to depart with the music, and with music the candle of my soul will keep burning ever forever!

People say: Time is too slow for those who wait,/ too swift for those who fear,/ too long for those who grieve,/ too short for those who rejoice,/ but for those who love,/ time is eternity." I find peace in music for it is perpetual and everlasting; within music time does not exist.

So long my dear friend, I am looking forward to read your next review!




